Facility Upgrades Begin 3/25/25. Product Availability Is Now Limited. Read Details At Bottom Of Home Page
  • Create Beautiful Inkjet Prints And Image Transfers On Any Material.

Featured Products

The inkAID Direct Print Process

The inkAID Image Transfer Process

“ Ink-Aid products have totally changed how I approach my printing over the past couple of years. I had been looking for something more hands-on, something more than pushing the print button on my printer after all the work of multiple exposure and compositing in the computer and time fine tuning my files. With Ink-Aid I have found it. I find it has really expanded my work into things I might never have tried. So glad I discovered your products.”
William Lesch

Discounts & more

We offer educational discounts and free-shipping for orders over $150!

Important: From March 25th through May 6th we'll be undergoing an expansion of our facility and we'll be limiting the products available for shipment during this time to the following items:

- Pint containers (ONLY) of all the inkAID inkjet receptive coatings (Regular and Iridescent) and the inkAID Transferiez Image Transfer Medium.

- inkAID Regular Coating Sample Sets, inkAID Iridescent Coating Sample Sets, and inkAID Image Transfer Starter Sets.

- 8.5" x 11" inkAID Image Transfer Film sheets limited to 25 and 50 sheets per order.

- 13" x 19" inkAID Image Transfer Film sheets limited to 20 sheets per order.

Inventory of the above products that we’ll have on hand during the expansion period will likely sell out quickly and we won’t be renewing this inventory until after May 6th. We therefore strongly encourage you to order these products sooner rather than later to insure receiving your order of these products before mid to late May.

Please Note Below:

- If you need rolls of inkAID Image Transfer Film before the end of May you will need to order before March 1st.

- You will need to order any Gallon or 5 Gallon containers of the inkAID inkjet receptive coatings before March 1st.

- You will need to order Carrier Sheets, inkjet Wood Veneer, Coating Rods, and Mill Finish Aluminum Sheets before March 1st.

If you have questions please email Sales.

Thanks very much for working with us through this short time and we look forward to our new, expanded facility allowing us to better serve you.