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Loek de la Haye - Still Life - "Pot"

Eric Donnell

Posted on March 28 2024

Loek de la Haye - Still Life - "Pot"
Loek de la Haye. “Still Life”.
Original photography in a beautiful mixed media print. Direct inkjet print on BFK Rives paper first coated with acrylic gloss medium followed by Daler-Rowney Shimmering Copper (Golden Interference Acrylic Copper can also be used). Then three coats of inkAID Clear Gloss Type II were applied, drying for 12 hours in between coats.
After drying the print for 24 hours a light coat of Golden MSA varnish was applied.
🧑‍🎨 @loekdelahaye
🖨 Epson P 7500

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