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How To Apply inkAID Inkjet Receptive Coatings

For optimal printing, inkAID inkjet receptive coatings should always be stirred well from the bottom of the container using a clean stainless steel implement prior to use, as the ingredients will separate during storage. It is strongly advised to pour out the amount of coating you need to use into a separate “working” container and use all of it. Do Not pour any remaining coating back into the original container. This insures that you won’t contaminate the coating in the original container from your “working” container, brush, or other application tool.

Substrate Concerns

It is important to know how the substrate will react to water-based products. Absorbent surfaces like paper and canvas can easily swell, buckle or become distorted when wet. Taping your substrate to a sturdy backing-board, inflexible surface, or a carrier sheet (see the video here about carrier sheets) during product application can minimize this. If taping is not an option, applying the coating to the entire surface, including the edges, can help minimize curling. Once the sheet can be handled without dripping, hang by one corner until dry. Afterwards, if needed, press flat overnight under a weighted board or, if available, a heat press. If the substrate is extremely absorbent, applying an initial coat of an acrylic medium or acrylic ground can help seal the surface and allow for a more even application of the inkAID inkjet receptive coating.

Application Instructions

Product is ready to apply as received. Pleace your material on a smooth level surface. Using a foam brush, foam roller,or fine bristle brush apply an even coat of the coating to the substrate in one direction and then another in a 90 degree direction to the first. The coating will self-level. Make sure to thoroughly coat the entire surface, taking the texture of the material into account. You can’t apply too much coating, but you can apply not enough. It is not necessary to apply more than one wet coat to the material. It is recommended that you start with smaller test pieces of your substrate until you develop the required workflow. Allow 8-12 hours after applying the coating before printing.

Clean Up

Clean tools with soap and water.