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Kathyanne White Gallery

Image Descriptions / Processes

  1. Forest Surfaces 18

    Recycled Dictionary pages—precoated with inkAID Clear Matte, printed, then coated with resin to strengthen the paper. Paper is torn, folded in half diagonally then assembled with cotton cord and attached to crocheted jute to hang. 19” wide 40” long.

  2. Mariposa Grove 2

    Beverage Can precoated with inkAID Clear Gloss Type II. Printed and assembled copper wire. 36” wide x 18” high.

  3. Bark Collage 1 

    Hand made amate paper with the amate process of pounding the pulp. Dried paper is precoated with inkAID Clear Matte and printed. Sections of paper are assembled with waxed linen thread. 24” wide x 48” long.

  4. Book of Forests 1 (Detail)

    Pages are assembled of digital printing on alternative surfaces—including: watercolor paper, orgndy, tyvek, lutradur, amate paper—other materials waxed linen, hemp, beads, wire, twigs. Actual book is accordion style and is 10” high and 120” long.


KathyAnne White’s workshops focus on innovative strategies for expanding the digital print to uncommon surfaces. She inspires students to create quality digital prints on alternative surfaces for their artwork. Through the KathyAnne Art and the Digital Alternative Surfaces websites, White creates workshops and tutorials so others are able to learn and expand their techniques through the expanded digital print process.

KathyAnne has been featured in a variety of arts publications including Fiber Arts, Surface, American Style, Folk Art Magazine as well as being named a “trendsetter” in Art Business News. She writes a column for Digital Art Creation Magazine published quarterly on the internet. Her self published book—Digital Printing Alternative Surfaces: The Definitive Source is available on Blurb.com

The artwork of KathyAnne White has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in museums and galleries throughout the United States and abroad. Her work is in the collections of the Museum of Arts and Design, the American Folk Art Museum, the Archives of American Art of the Smithsonian Institution and the Phoenix Airport Museum. White is the recipient of an Artists Project Grant and a Professional Development Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts. She is also a recipient of an artist residency in Yosemite National Park in Northern California.

Favorite inkAID Products

Always remember the surface you are printing will influence your choice of product from the inkAID line. My use of the inkAID coatings is with Digital Printing Alternative Surfaces—this means that as I pick my surface I choose the best product for the effect I am looking for in the print. Always test the products you think will be the best for the most consistent outcome.

That said I will tell you that I have 3 favorites in the inkAID line—Clear Matte—Clear Gloss Type II—Translucent Gloss. Here’s why—

  • Clear Matte—This precoat gives a clear detailed print and allows the properties of the surface texture to show through. On a metal surface it will show a less shiny surface than Clear Gloss Type II, if that is what I want from my metal than this is my choice. It will give me a slight satin look instead of pure shine on gel medium surfaces, metals and other shiny alternative surfaces. This precoat has an adhesive in it, so I don’t worry about the print lifting from the surface.
  • Clear Gloss Type II—I use this precoat on all sorts of surfaces metal, skins, recycleds and other surfaces so a shine will show. It also contains an adhesive so it works well with both porous and non porous. When used on synthetic fabrics it will allow a bit of a shine to show through. This precoat will also let the grain and texture of the surface show in the final print.
  • Translucent Gloss—To me it’s like the chameleon of precoats (mostly since I print alternative surfaces and you never know what I may use it on). It changes on each alternative surface and doesn’t have one singular way it behaves. On canvas and heavy weight fabric it produces a quality image similar to white matte precoat, but has a bit of a punch. This is a wonderful precoat to experiment with.

Contact Information and Publications


Published book:

Digital Printing Alternative Surfaces: THE DEFINITIVE SOURCE

Books are available from Blurb:





YouTube Channel:



Artwork on line:


Publications on line:

Digital Art Creation