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Printing on Vintage Playing Cards - Stephanie Todhunter (@stephanietodhunterart)

Jim Kedenburg

Posted on February 28 2024

Printing on Vintage Playing Cards - Stephanie Todhunter (@stephanietodhunterart)

Creating Unique, Archival Fine Art & Mixed Media Prints On Virtually Any Material

An elegant inkjet print on a vintage playing card by Stephanie Todhunter. The card is first cleaned with denatured alcohol and then taped to a board. Then four coatings of inkAID White Matte are applied, drying completely (overnight), between coats. A moderate to heavy amount of coating is applied with each layer and allowed to flow and level, with minimum brushing, to eliminate brush marks. The cards are then individually taped to a carrier sheet (stiff paper) for printing on an Epson Artisan 1430 using the “Premium Matte Paper” setting. @stephanietodhunterart.


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